The registered times of prices traded and bid and offers on a given market 在特定市场中注册的交易的价格,出价,要价的时间。
The high and low prices or high and low bids and offers recorded during a specified time 在一定时期内纪录的高价与低价和高与低的出价和要价。
An indication of current bids and offers in the market on a particular instrument or spread 利用特定工具或传播方式来表示在市场中最近的出价和要价。
Price depth window shows , with real - time update , the five best bids and offers in the market together with the accumulated volumes 价格深度视窗显示的是市场中最新的前五位最佳买入和最佳沽出价。
An exchange system in which bids and offers are continuously posted on the exchange during the trading day by its members 拍卖系统在交易日中,买入和卖出信息不间断地由成员刊登在交易所内的交换系统。
What s the purpose of the legal ceiling ? ans 1 the spread is the difference between the bid and offer prices 一推荐证券商得报价差距是指兴柜股票推荐证券商就其推荐之兴柜股票所申报的买进报价与买出报价间的价差而言。
Designates the " market by order " display , which illustrates the entire depth of the market , displaying each bid and offer at every price level 市场上所有挂单的显示。描述的是市场的全部深度,并将所有的买卖价表达出来。
The range of prices at which the first bids and offers were made or first transactions were completed . must be initiated by at least one trade 做出第一个报盘和递盘以及第一个交易完成时的买卖价波动范围。至少需要一个交易来启动。
A dealer who maintain firm bid and offer prices in a given security by standing ready to buy or sell round lots at publicly quoted prices 进行买和卖双边确定报价的证券交易商。做市商在交易时间内随时按公开报价进行买卖整手的证券。